Tuesday, June 30, 2009


RapeRapeDreams of rape are dreams of violence. As a dreamer, you may find yourself as an aggressor, victim, or spectator to the crime. In dreams of this nature, your role and feelings about the others in the event are crucial to understanding the meaning of the dream. If you have recurring dreams of being the victim of rape, you should try to determine if post-traumatic stress is a factor in your dreams.

Being a victim in a non-recurring rape dream usually indicates a message that you are being personally violated, thwarted, or ruthlessly exploited in waking life. In dreams of this nature, the aggressor is a faceless adversary. This could be explained by the fact that people who get close enough to us in life to exploit us often are significant to us in other, more positive ways. The dream is not meant to have an actual aggressor, but simply serve as a warning that you're being overpowered.

Being the aggressor in a rape usually indicates powerful unresolved or unexpressed anger at someone. As with the victim scenario above, the other party to the rape is often faceless. For example, if you harbor anger towards an opposite gender boss, parent, teacher or co-worker, rape dreams may occur. Finding a source of unresolved anger in waking life can provide great insight into the meaning of this dream. Identifying why you are unable to express your anger in waking life will also help.

A 25-year-old woman reports: Even before I became sexually active, I remember having recurrent dreams of men tied down. I would force myself on them sexually. It was always against their will, and according to my power or desire. I never knew them, and often I did not even notice their faces. It is strange to me that I should have such dreams without even knowing what actual sex was like.

This woman had a deeply troubled relationship with her father. Although there was no incest or sexual misconduct, there was little affection either. The woman reports that her relationship with this parent has been very bitter and troubled. However, she notes that as the relationship improved, the dream lessened in frequency.

Observing a rape is often equally troubling. This is because of the powerlessness you feel in relationship to the victim. Many times, there is an intuitive connection with the victim or the aggressor. In either case, the dreamer may be feeling angry or exploited in waking life. The watching is an attempt to dissociate oneself from the trauma of the event. This often allows better recognition of the relationship between aggressor and victim.

Consequently, whatever psychological protection is gained by indirect participation is lost on the more complete awareness of the other characters.


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