Tuesday, March 04, 2008


BloodBlood in dreams is rarely a well-received image, unless it is connected with an anger object. The blood of another in this case may reflect seeing oneself as ultimately victorious. Most times, blood represents depletion, injury, or death. This depletion may be physical, or it may reflect the loss of other essential resources, including emotional or financial assets.

Blood can have a kind of direct meaning as "life source." In this regard, blood may be seen as a metaphor for becoming one with another person-this type of feeling is conjured from our exposure to Native American "blood brother" images.

Blood also may serve as a sacrificial metaphor-as in the sacrificial lamb or other animal. It also may have occult implications for persons involved with such practices.

Draining, drinking, or drawing and/or writing with blood are practices of this nature. Many genres of cult literature often include this type of reference. Whose blood are you seeing in your dream? Can you discern who caused the bleeding? Is the presence of blood accompanied by a feeling of threat?

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